
Business Links for 02/25/2013

The Genius of Raising Brilliant Kids - Forbes http://onforb.es/15KG7Qd

The bazaar, the oldest newest idea for small businesses - http://reut.rs/15KGdYc

Where Future Entrepreneurs Are Living Today? - http://bit.ly/Yt4Fbn

How to Make the Hiring Process Less Painful (Infographic) - http://bit.ly/13KFulU

A Business Plan Doubles Your Chances for Success, Says a New Survey - http://bit.ly/13iBMUI

Managing Different Generations in the Workplace - http://bit.ly/13iBU6W

The Small Business Tax: Government Regulations - http://bit.ly/15KHcrs

3 Ways The Toilet+ Business Model Can Change The World And Your Company - http://onforb.es/Yw29TG

Searching for Angels: The 10 Best Ways to Attract Investors - http://onforb.es/XxkwHy

Confessions Of A Conference Crasher - http://bit.ly/126vSa7

The 5 Biggest Brands on Facebook And How They Do It - http://bit.ly/13KPTOA

Older Entrepreneurs Are Better Than Younger Ones - http://onforb.es/15eRbnE

My Secrets: How I Became a Prolific Writer and Learned to Get Beyond School Essays - http://onforb.es/XxoKyV


Update 2/24/2013

Sorry for lack of posts as of late.. been busy busy busy. shifting some priorities around and doing some streamlining of that paradigm shift. Throw in a few more buzzwords LOL

Seriously been networking, lining up investors and building my street cred. Only so many hours in the day. So much to do so little time to do it.

Crosspost - 5 Ways to Beat Your Competitors at SEO

As anyone who's ever struggled to achieve and maintain high search results rankings can attest to, search engine optimization (SEO) is a constant race to stay one move ahead of your competitors. To win that race, you need to continually improve your own website and monitor your competitors' SEO activity.

If you've watched rivals usurp your top rankings, you'll want to consider these five tips:


1. Focus on content creation.
When it comes to digital marketing, the acronym "ABC" doesn't just stand for "Always Be Closing." It should also remind webmasters to "Always Be Creating."

Whether you're pursuing SEO, pay-per-click or any other digital marketing strategy to attract new visitors to your website, the quality and amount of content matters. Adding fresh content to your site makes it more appealing both to the search engines and their automated indexing programs, as well as the people who read your pages. High-value content can also lead to viral sharing, which increases the number of external backlinks pointing at your website and further improves your SEO.

So content creation is a "win-win-win." If you're concerned about competitors usurping your high search rankings, you can't go wrong by investing time in creating blog posts, articles, downloadable products and other content for your site.

Related: The Basics of Using Keywords for Better SEO

2. Plan your keyword targeting strategies carefully.
As you're creating this content, you'll want to pay careful attention to the keywords you're targeting. Just because you've reached the top spot in the Google results for a given keyword doesn't mean that maintaining this ranking is a valuable use of your time.

What you need to focus on are the search queries that yield the highest total traffic. To determine which keywords are most effective and which ones can be ceded to competitors, look at the traffic data for different search queries using Google Analytics or Google's Webmaster Tools program. If possible, use advanced tools like Raven Tools (free, with paid plans starting at $99 per month) to determine which keywords are producing the most conversions.

3. Stay abreast of SEO news.
SEO is a field that's constantly changing. If you're able to jump on a new technique or growing trend before your competitors, you may be able to cement your lead in the natural search results.

Set aside time each week to monitor SEO news websites such as Search Engine Land or Search Engine Watch. If you see evidence of a major change in SEO best practices, take action right away to prevent your site from falling behind in the search results.

Related: Why You Want 'Backlinks' to Your Website (Video)

4. Monitor your competitors' backlink profiles.
While it's important to monitor your own website's backlink profiles to prevent negative SEO attacks, you should also keep a close eye on any changes in the links your competitors are building.

Often, the best SEO techniques aren't widely publicized. Instead, people accidentally stumble upon a winning combination that leads to positive website results. By monitoring your competitors' backlink profiles using tools like Majestic SEO (free, with paid plans starting at $49.99 per month) or Open Site Explorer (free, with paid plans starting at $99 per month), you can both identify potential linking partners for your site and uncover any new linking strategies your competitors may be using to try to beat you.

5. Monitor your competitors' on-site SEO activities.
Also monitor competitors' on-site optimization efforts. If any competitors dramatically change their SEO activities, you could be looking at one of two possible scenarios: They may have discovered a new way to optimize their pages in the search results, or they may be updating their pages in response to a penalty from the search engines.

Either way, it's a good idea to keep an eye on your competitors' title tag structures, use of keyword-optimized headers and other SEO activity. All this information -- and much more -- is available with free, downloadable tools like Traffic Travis.


Crosspost - What it means to be Self Reliance

Source - http://americanpreppersnetwork.com/what-is-a-prepper 

A Prepper is a person who takes Personal Responsibility and Self Reliance seriously.  Preparedness is an important part of life for a serious Prepper.  They follow the Five Principles of Preparedness while theyWalk the Path of the Prepper.

A Prepper is a person who earnestly believes that no challenge is insurmountable with the proper dedication, determination and focus.  A Prepper looks at things that most people would think impossible to survive and says “All you really need is X, Y and some Z!  Preppers are very family oriented people who believe that it is more important to sacrifice leisure and entertainment today so that in a future potential calamity, they will be able to sustain a certain standard of living.

While an inordinate amount of commentary and focus is put on so-called “Doomsday” or Apocalyptic preparedness, in reality this is, or should be, a very minor to non-existent concern for Preppers.  Truly, Preppers focus much more on being prepared for things that will more likely be an issue – such as the family bread-winner losing their job, passing away or being incapacitated.  Other primary concerns for Preppers are: death or serious illness/injury to a family member, all-consuming house fire, flooding or other natural and man-made disasters.  Our current economic environment makes the potential impact of some of these things even more likely.  Indeed, the economic stability of their country is of a huge concern to Preppers because of what it would mean for, not just themselves, but the rest of the country if a severe economic crisis were to occur.

The End Of The World As We Know It or TEOTWAWKI is a common acronym for Preppers to use.  It is perceived from a personal level and indicates the end of a the way we know the world from our own viewpoint.  This can include our viewpoint of the world from a personal, family, neighborhood, town, state, regional, national or world level.  Many people suffer a catastrophic TEOTWAWKI on a family level that their friends and extended family may never be aware of.

A Prepper takes steps to mitigate the long lasting effect of a severe impact on their world.  They do this through stocking items that are critical for their continued well-being – called Standard of Living Insurance.  The most notable and important of these items are Food, Water, and Shelter.  An established Prepper will have large amounts of food stored, will have water filters and access to water established and will have taken steps to create or maintain the livability of their shelter, or home.

Are Preppers and Survivalists the same thing?

A Prepper is not the same as a Survivalist.  A Survivalist typically focuses on learning primitive and other woodsmen skills and have very little focus on actually stocking up supplies and building an extensive repository of every needful thing.  Whereas Survivalists prepare and learn to live off the land, Preppers prepare to maintain their current lifestyle as much as possible.  While they are not synonymous, many Preppers are also Survivalists and are very adept at living off the land.  Likewise, many Survivalists are Preppers and store resources to be able to sustain their Standard of Living.

Preppers typically plan to “Shelter in Place” or “Bug-In” which indicates they expect to ride out any bad situation while living in their home.  Other Preppers find themselves in situations where they recognize that they may need to “Bug-Out” or leave their home for another location, commonly referred to as their “Bug Out Location” or BOL.  A BOL may be a mountain retreat, a home in the country or simply a good place in the woods where they feel they can be safe if things collapse or get really bad.

You don’t want to be at the Superdome!

During Hurricane Katrina, the Federal Government finally got organized enough to set up a refugee camp at the Superdome.  It quickly became a dangerous, even deadly, place to be and the government insisted – and in some cases forced – that you be there.  There are people who literally “escaped from the Superdome”.

When catastrophe strikes – you really do NOT want to end up in a FEMA refugee camp!  Preppers do what they do so they do not have to rely on the government or anyone else to take care of them – no matter what happens.

Myths about Preppers

“Preppers are crazy nut-jobs on the fringe of society”

This is something we hear a lot. It is something that the media frequently attempts to portray us as. Preppers are no more crazy than those wacky people who have home owners insurance. Seriously, why do people have home owners insurance? It’s so that if something catastrophic happens to your house you can get money to buy a new one – and not be homeless. Prepping is basically the same thing – we educate ourselves and purchase items that will be essential to continue our way of life in a catastrophic event, creating a Standard of Living Insurance for ourselves.  Preppers are those who agree with the Federal Government and subscribe to what FEMA has indicated that every citizen should be doing to be prepared.  For the media to call us “nutjobs” or “fringe”is for them to ignore the position of the Federal Government towards citizen responsibility.

There is nothing “crazy” or “mentally deficient” in conceding that bad things are likely to happen no matter what we do and that we should be ready to deal with them.  At the purest level, this is all Preppers are doing.

What really doesn’t make any sense to Preppers is people who refuse to do anything about their personal well-being and safety.  Preppers do not understand Fathers who are unwilling to take extra steps to make sure they are able to take care of their children when something bad happens.  In fact, we consider it down-right irresponsible to be completely unprepared to feed your children and provide them with water and shelter.

“Preppers are Conservative Christians who believe in the Constitution and in smaller government”

This is actually true of many Preppers but is also a generalization – there are liberals and atheists among us and they are welcome.  The Prepper mindset is focused on Self-Reliance and Personal Responsibility, which also happens to lead right into a strong belief in the Constitution and that we need less, not more, government.  Christianity also promotes Self-Reliance and Personal Responsibility.  So, while the a majority of Preppers may be Christian and strong proponents of Constitutional Government – it is certainly not exclusive to that belief set.

The Prepper Movement


Prior to Y2K, Preppers were highly focused on Cold War concerns and how to survive a Nuclear War.  They used the term Survivalist to describe themselves.  Some of their thought leaders included Howard Ruff, Kurt Saxon, Mel Tappan, Jeff Cooper and Ragnar Benson.  There was a lot of discussion of underground bunkers, food storage and water purification.

Y2K Movement

In the late 1990′s there was a resurgence of interest in Preparedness stemming from fears that computer systems would fail and society would collapse due to the “Y2K Bug”.  The Y2K Bug concern revolved around the potential for computers to not be able to handle the year changing back to “00″ which had not previously happened in the lifetime of computers.  While it turned out the the Y2K bug was successfully neutralized, the world stood on edge at the turn of the century, concerned that society would collapse from a catastrophic computer failure.

Concerns during this time were primarily about food, power and fuel because computers controlled all the ordering, shipping and delivery of food and gas across the country as well as the power grid.  The time leading up to the turn of the century saw a huge amount of “mainstream” people rushing out to purchase a years supply of food, fuel and generators.

From a modern Preppers perspective, Y2K was a marketing gaffe which led to millions of people piquing an interest in Preparedness but then throwing everything out when nothing happened.  These people were concerned about a single event and not truly converted to a life of Self Reliance and Preparedness.  This same concern holds for 2012 scare marketing.

Modern Preppers

Terrorist attacks including the 911 plane attacks, bombings in London, Madrid, Bali and many other places, led to a strong online interest in discussing personal readiness and self reliance.  Fueled by United States disasters such as Hurricane Katrina and Ike and international disasters including earthquakes and tsunamis in Indonesia, Chile, Japan and elsewhere, the Prepper Movement gained a lot of momentum without having a particular date in mind (unlike Y2K) which led to many people recognizing a need to change their lives to be more prepared and self reliant.

Spurred on later by fears of the 2012 Mayan prophesies of an apocalyptic nature, the Prepper movement is seeing a lot of growth in late 2011 and into 2012.  The advent of many television shows and movies that are collapse oriented has helped to nearly bring  preparedness to the forefront of societal consciousness.  While it is still considered “fringe” by many, the Federal Government is actively promoting preparedness through Ready.gov and many states are developing specific readiness programs.

Modern Preppers have strong concerns about natural and man-made disasters as well as a major concern about the economic stability of the United States.  Preppers also have a large concern about other countries attacking the United States through means such as an Electro-Magnetic Pulse (EMP) and Nuclear attacks in general are still a concern.

The APN and the Modern Prepper Movement

One of the goals of the APN is to help teach those who are acting through fear regarding 2012 issues to broaden their view and adopt a Self Reliant lifestyle versus stashing a bunch of stuff in case the Mayans were right.

Since its launch in late 2008, the APN has seen strong growth through its first couple years.  In late 2011, an effort was launched to restructure much of the APN to help appeal and attract a broader audience, specifically those who were just finding out about and getting into Prepping.  Since the start of that effort, the APN has recognized a significant spike in growth that is expected to increase dramatically through ongoing execution of the restructure.

The APN’s official position is that 2012 is just one potential issue we are preparing for but that it is not more important or more of a focus than a super volcano, massive earthquake, a bread winner being incapacitated or complete economic collapse.  The APN philosophy on Preparedness is simply to adapt your life to be more self-reliant so that you are able to sustain your family through any calamity and come out on the other side safely.


4 Business Lessons from Quentin Tarantino Movies

Source - http://bit.ly/X4JbmK - 4 Business Lessons from Quentin Tarantino Movies

Quentin Tarantino films have reached cult status, with universities now offering courses based on issues ranging from race to his use of pop culture references.

We spoke with Robert J. Thompson, professor of Television and Popular Culture at Syracuse University, and Todd Dewett, a management professor at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio and Tarantino film fan, about what makes Tarantino films so popular, which business lessons his movies teach us, and what we can learn from his career.


"[Tarantino's] characters are so compellingly flawed," Thompson says. "They speak in the language regular people understand, dripping in popular culture references people are going to get." While Tarantino films are controversial for their violence, language and subject matter, business lessons can be extracted from them such as what to look for when hiring, how to work with others, and what to look for in training programs.

Here are four business lessons for Quentin Tarantino movies:

1. Find the right training to get to the top of your game.
In Kill Bill: Vols. 1 & 2, Uma Thurman's character, The Bride, seeks revenge against the group who destroyed her life and left her for dead on her wedding day. Her singular focus on getting revenge against Bill and his team fuels her martial arts makeover and she is transformed into a force to be reckoned with.

While revenge isn't the best motivation in business, Thurman's character shows what's possible when effective training programs are implemented. According to Dewett, many training dollars are wasted each year because businesses don't bring in the right person to train their employees. Companies need to find a great teacher, make sure their employees have the motivation to learn new skills, then provide them with an opportunity to use their new skills.


2. Assemble a strong team.
Tarantino creates a team of actors that work well together, Dewett says. Other movie producers believe hiring one major movie star will be enough to carry a film to box office glory and are surprised when the movie flops.

Similarly, many companies believe success is achieved by hiring a marquee talent. A fundamental mistake companies make is they look at a candidate's resume and how they perform in an interview with one executive, when they should really see how that individual fits within the existing team, says Dewett. Many times, companies hire someone who looks great on paper, only to discover later they don't mesh well with the rest of the team.

3. Choose quality over quantity.
Tarantino decided to make one movie every few years, allowing him to be fully invested in each endeavor, Dewett notes. He assembles a stellar cast, develops a script with great writing, and takes his time with each project.

Many businesses are in a race with their competition, and "change too much instead of just enough," says Dewett. "A company has a finite capacity for change," he says. He advises against the impulse to 'keep up with the Joneses.' "The best practice for [one company] may not be the best for your company," Dewett cautions.

4. Surround yourself with top talent.
Tarantino has chosen really good projects, most of which he's generated himself, as writer, director, producer and actor, Thompson says. He's known for quirky, but excellent casting, and he's surrounded himself with a team of top-notch talent and production groups, many of whom he's worked with throughout his career, and with good reason, says Dewett.

Directors like Tarantino love candor, useful feedback, and aren't afraid to have difficult conversations. Likewise, in order to run their business successfully, leaders need to surround themselves with employees they can depend on who aren't afraid of conflict.


The 5 Employees Every Small Business Needs

Source - http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/225643

In the past few years, many companies were affected by the less than ideal economic conditions, and many instances, small businesses were hit harder than most. For these companies, the ability to be nimble and quickly adapt to changing economic conditions can be the difference between failure and success. However, there's an equally important factor that affects the fate of a small business: its employees.

Certainly employees and talent are the backbone of any company, but for small businesses -- particularly those with 50 or fewer employees -- their role can be even more crucial with right balance of skills and personalities having the ability to make or break a small business. Quite simply, the best business strategy in the world doesn't mean anything without the right people to execute it. That's why, more so now than ever, it's critical to carefully consider every hire and make sure each employee fulfills the right role needed for overall success.


When it comes to staffing your small business, here are the five employee "types" every company should have:

The Mentor: Many small businesses lack the formal training-and-development programs available in larger organizations, but that doesn't mean that your junior employees shouldn't have an opportunity to learn on the job. Fortunately, there are certain people who are born to teach -- even if it's not in the traditional classroom. Having a few employees on-hand who genuinely want to share their knowledge with others can take a load off small-business owners' minds. Not only does it eliminate the extra cost of hiring outside trainers, but it also offers a layer of institutional knowledge that only people on the inside of a company possess.

These company "teachers" can extend beyond just the technical skills and share some of the things that are unique to a business -- the culture, processes and how they fit into the business strategy. This education ultimately helps groom the next generation of leaders for the company, which also carries the added benefit of supporting the development of a succession plan, something that is typically challenging for small-business owners.

The Knowledge Seeker: Not every employee is born to lead, or wants to -- and that's OK. What's more important is that there are employees on staff who have a passion for the business and a thirst for knowledge. Such employees aren't satisfied with just knowing enough to do their jobs. They want to continue learning, whether it's on the job, through extra training courses or even graduate school. This type of attitude is something that can rub off on other employees and perhaps inspire them to further their education in some way. Additionally, this employee can also keep the larger team up to speed on the latest industry trends or technical advancements, always a good thing for staying current.

The Renaissance Man (or Woman): Small-business owners often wear many hats -- from chief executive to human-resources manager, so it helps to have employees on staff that are as equally multifaceted. People who can dabble in several different areas of the company -- pinch-hitters -- can be immensely valuable. Small-business bosses can become overwhelmed at the sheer amount of work to do at various points throughout the year, with limited staff to tap into to get it all done. So, with others to juggle some of the duties, owners can focus on growth and strategy.

The Morale Booster: For every small business that has managed to thrive despite the economic downturn, there are several more that have had an unbelievably hard time staying afloat. Working for a company that is going through financial hardships can have a severely negative impact on employee morale. That's why it's imperative to have some people on staff that can find the bright spots in what may seem like the most hopeless situation. It may not change the company's fortunes, but it can have a positive effect on employee psyche and culture, which has an impact on day-to-day business.

The Challenger: Having employees that support management's decisions 100 percent is never a bad thing, but it's also good to have a few people around you who will speak out and challenge the status quo -- or even a direction the company is considering. Surrounding yourself with "yes men" doesn't have any benefit for you as the owner or the business in general, simply because obviously not every idea is brilliant. Instead, what you want to cultivate is an atmosphere of healthy debate and discussion to be sure your business has strong strategies and ideas. Every now and then we all need a reality check -- and the people who are living and breathing your business on a daily basis are just the ones to give it.

Managing any size business these days isn't easy because of the financial pressures all are facing, and many would argue that small businesses have even more at stake. By ensuring that your company has these five types of employees, you can rest assured that your employee mix will be a competitive advantage that can be leveraged to achieve success.


Crosspost - Little Red Riding Hood: Revealed

Little Red Riding Hood: Revealed

Source - http://key-to-literature.blogspot.co.uk/2012/12/little-red-riding-hood-symbology.html

The deeper meaning, symbolism, and keys to unlocking the fairytale "Little Red Riding Hood".

Little Red Riding Hood = Young Blood Sex Hymen.

Forest = Womanhood, pubic hair of maturity.

Wolves are wild dogs = Men who would take a young girls virginity/innocence; men who would have sex outside of wedlock.

Grandma = Wisdom and example of moral high ground.

Wolf disguised as Grandma = The tricks men play to get sex, as in pretend to be moral, good and nice etc.

Wood Cutter = Father figure who protects girl from the dogs (erection cutter); he will cut down the trees, as in preserve a woman’s chastity until she is married.

The rest of the symbology is easy to interpret or breakdown once you analyse versions of the story using these keys . . .

World Building Sample - Ter'Waser

This is a rough draft of a world building that was done for a client, the client has allowed Crossed Swords to publish this draft, but not the final product.


1500 years ago (detailed records of the history of this time have been lost, only a few creatures still live from that time). There was a great war between the natives of the planet and alien invaders, little is known about these invaders or why they fought over the planet Ter'Wasrer. Other than they were humanoid and had great magic and technological powers. All seemed lost when the another star faring race showed up, the few historical fragments say these aliens were called the Elfhim, or the Star Elves. Their ships seemed more organic and magical that the technological hulks of the first invader race, the Shuman or Men of the Night. For months the star war went on ships from both invaders crashing into the planet. Natives died by the thousands whole nations where smashed.

Those that could hide in caves and prayed to the gawds to save them, few survived. The natives call this time the Great Falling. Centuries later the first real pieces of history resurfaced as those that survived found a changed land. Most of the land had been flooded by the sea creating thousands of islands ranging from not more than a few dozen feet across to a couple of hundred miles. The weather pattern vastly changed great sheets of ice blanket the poles, huge hurricanes roamed the seas, destroying ships during all seasons deserts vanished almost overnight, entire species have disappeared. Those that where left sought to rebuild and thus began a new age, a age after the fall:

After the Falling (ATF) Year 5

* Yarseer Muself forms the nation of Rurba, naming himself king and founding the capital city of Musel.

* Thurin MastWader forms the Deep Questers, a group of expert divers that sole goal is to explore the new oceans and discover more about the invader races (Elfhim and Shuman).

* The few elves that remain build a grand Galleon named the Golden Dawn and sail beyond the horizon to find an island to rebuild a grove. About 200, loyal to Yarseer stayed behind most being of the clan Silverleaf.

ATF Year 8
* Musel repels the first attack by a orcish pirates calling themselves the Bowcracker clan

* The Deep Questers return with the first pieces of star metal (from Shuman craft) and star wood (Elfhim) although hard to shape the metal and wood shows unclassifiable magical properties making strong and more effective weapons and items. Also they find a strange new liquid they name Aqua Magus. Soon almost everyone with a ship sets sail for the new riches of this reborn world, this Star Rush.

* After several months and much chaos from the 1st Star Rush, Yarseer blockades Musel harbor and passes a law that only ones that are authorized by the Deep Questers are the only ones that will be allowed to go into the open sea to search for star metal and wood. This causes a couple of months of rioting before order is restored.

* Yarseer orders the constuction of the a wall around the harbor heavily fortfided against weather and invasion to be built. (it soon becomes named the Breaking Wall as hulls of ships from inside and out pile up on it) on its top he orders a grand temple to Quarier, god of the sea, built (it is named the Eye of Quarier)

ATF Year 14

* A group of merchants and guild leaders not happy with the way Rurba was being ruled, bribed the current Master of the Wall (ie captain of the Breaking Wall) and flee to the open sea. They settle on a undiscovered island and form the kingdom of Mercui. With Guild Master Loran Beamlayer as its leader. Rurba immediatilty declares war on the new nation.

* Reports of an unknown underwater craft emerge, on one of the encounters with this unknown craft Thurin MastWader is killed by it. Leadership of the Deep Questers goes to his daughter Serera.

ATF 15

* The 1st Kingdom War between Mercui and Rurba is waged mostly on the open seas with neither side gaining an advantage. During this pirate raids by orcs, humans and even some dwarven vessels increase for both kingdoms. The Seafarers Guild catalogs over 100 different pirate bands, clans and groups in the year.

* Arch-Magus Silverpike prefects spells that allow non water breathing creatures to stay underwater and at great depths for days at a time. The money both kingdoms paid him funds his next research project of building a subwater craft.

AFT 18

* A truce in the war between Mercui and Rurba is called due to the pirate attacks and increasing attacks of the unknown underwater craft (now called by sailors Depcar, the underwater slayer). Both nations pour funds into the Deep Questers to locate and destroy this craft

* Serera is contacted by seafolk (merfolk and aquatic elves) during a dive to bring a nonaggression treaty to both the kingdoms of Mercui and Rurba in exchange for weapons to fight the sudden appearance of squidmen. The seafolk also reveal the existance of an underwater kingdom of seafolk and sea elves cause Tanatlis with its main city as Aquis.

* Deep Quester Remas Skycatcher leaves Musel on the war gallon Dawn Breaking in a quest to map the changed world of Ter'Waser.

AFT 20

* The First Squid war begins, squidmen riding kraken and devilfish assult Mercui, in response Tanatlis and Rurba sent aid. Squidmen come onshore wearing armor made of star metal that keeps them bathed in water rise up and attack the fledging city of Gilled, the capital of the Mercui kingdom. During this war Yarseer Muself is killed taking on the lord of the squidmen and his great kraken. Yarseer never married and never had a child, in a token of good will Loran Beamlayer's grandson Marku Beamlayer takes over rulership of Rurba.

AFT 23

* 3 years after it began, the 1st Squid War ends just as suddenly as the troops go back beneath the waves, Tanatlis searches the depths for them and can only find a small number of them.

* Rurba revolts against Marku Beamlayer because of people loyal to Yarseer's vision of Rurba incite the masses. Yarseer's head cleric, Father Leland, takes over Rurba. But instead of invading Mercui as many wish he decides to spend time and money to investigate reports of growing numbers of underwater undead and mind flayers.

* Lich Lord Samhien declares to Rurba and Mercui his kindom of the dammed and begins to attack both kingdoms with ships made of bone, maned by undead that have been grafted with star metal and wood.

* The Seafarers Guild produces its first book on sea routes, pirates and dive spots for star metal and wood. They call it the Sea Questers Guide Book (soon know as a SeaBook) and with the money it produces it funds fills the coffers of the Seafarers Guild and the Deep Questers. However some start to resent the power of the these guilds

AFT 25

* After many failures Arch-Magus Silverpike prefects a subwater craft, however on its madien voyage the craft is destoryed by the Depcar, Arch-Magus Silverpike's body was never found. His last message to a fellow mage proves to be fertile grounds for rumors for years to come: "I see lights from one of the Shuman craft, I am going to investigate. I see something in the opening, I am going to...". Both Rurba and Merci press for Tanatlis to assist them in tracking this craft down and destroying it once and for all, despite the most concerted search in history nothing is every found. Even communes with the gods provide no answers other than variations on the same message "The slayer of worlds dwells beneath the surface, to break it is to enter its domain. Its killer will be time". Other Magi search his tower and find prototypes of water torches, pressure saws, gill rings and the spells of water shell and sharkskin

* At the battle of Twin Emblems (a island marked by twin volcanic mountains that bathe the surrounding sea in lava and fire) the might of Lich Samhien is broken. Samhien retreats.

AFT 30

* After 13 years at sea, Remas Skycatcher returns to Musel. His maps prove to be invaluable in aiding Rurba, however Remas cautions that the islands and landmasses are changing and small islands may disappear or appear. Remas marries Serera MastWader and retires from sailing. Sadly Rurba refuses to share the maps with Mercui causing the 2nd Kingdom War.

* Remas also reveals the existence of a surface elven kingdom of Greenshore. And the disturbing increase in dark elves and derro in sailing craft.

* The Depcar is spotted attacking the Bowcracker clan's island fortress and with unknown weapons razes the island clean of all living creatures. This marks the first time it has attacked on land and the first time anyone has had a clear look at the vessel. Rumors spread it actually the Arch-Magus Silverpike that he faked his own death.

AFT 35

* The 2nd Kingdom War ends with a peace treaty and Rurba handing over a copy of the maps that Remas made

* Marku Beamlayer creates the standard ranking of naval and land forces with is quickly adopted by Mercui

* The Golden Dawn returns with a trade treaty for both kingdoms, however while docked in Musel. The Breaking Wall for the only time in history is breached as the Depcar attacks and sinks it with powerful magical beams and projectiles most of the harbor front is also destroyed. Hours later the Depcar attacks and destroys half the fleet of the kingdom of Mercui. Mercui, Rurba and Greenshore send their entire naval forces along with the help of Tanatlis. Again no one is successful but more ships are destroyed by pirates in the process of hunting severely weakening all the surface fleets of the nations

AFT 37

* Anarchy descends on the nations of Mercui and Rurba as people revolt over the seemingly wastefulness of searching after the Depcar. Which led to increased successful pirate raids.
*  Marku Beamlayer is assassinated and a new nation arises from the depths. Lord Nicleous rides a huge kraken into the harbors of Mercui, Musel and Greenshore to proclaim the end of light, the comming of the Dark Commonwealth (a loose nation of dark elves, derro, evil sea creatures, undead and squidmen) and the ascendance of Kur the StarDestoryer.

* Kur turns the sun black for the year. As the battles in the heavens and the earth rages

AFT 38

* The light of the sun finally comes back as the might of the Dark Commonwealth is broken, surprising enough by multiple attacks from the Depcar Both Lord Nicleous and Lich Lord Samhien. Are killed, Musel is almost destroyed, same with Mercui. The Rurbian cities of Cadmine and Licfort are partially destroyed. The Breaking Wall is heavily damaged but still standing

* Sea Lord Cronis leads a rebel fleet from Mercui and over times forms the floating city-state of Hammerhead the city floats of a hulk of a Elfhim craft powered by gallons of Aqua Magus, the source of all this is a closely guarded.

* Hammerhead announces the formation of the Privateer guild and the posting of bounties on pirates from any nation. And that Hammerhead only goal is to make the seas a safer place.

AFT 50 (Present Day)

Rurba, and Mercui are strong powerful nations still wary of one another and growing more wary of the increasing power of Hammerhead. Greenshores has become more and more isolationist. The Dark Commonwealth is slowly regaining its former power and Depcar is still the phantom master of the depths of Ter'Waser


  • Humans

  • Dwarves - some dwarves go beardless as a symbol of their lost homelands

  • Elves - Greenshore elven clans usually dislike members from clan Silverleaf

  • Gnomes

  • Half-Elves - all Half-Elves will be members of clan Silverleaf since one of the edicts of Elves from Greenshore is not interbreeding (not saying the rare non Silverleaf half elf has not been born, they would be relentlessly hunted if their were found out)

  • Half-Orcs

  • Halfing

  • Sea Elves/Mer-Folk


Rurba - most tend to think being the first nation in the new age they should be the ones to lead. The nation is led by a sovereign lord, if this lord dies before picking another then the leaders of the guilds select another. The position is for life. Rurba's current leader is Toora Skycatch daugther of Remas Skycatcher. Rurbians tend to have a dim view of those from Hammerhead labeling them not must better than pirates or common mercs

Rurba tends to create most of the star metal/wood items that Ter'Waser has. Also they have ample mineral and lumber deposits

Mercui - of utmost concern to a Mercuian is the value of his gold, this makes them shrew hagglers and businessmen. The nation is ruled by a group of powerful merchants although Mercui has a leader, their choices are dictated by the group. The group can elect at any time to dismiss their leader (although it must be a majority vote) or elect another one. The current leader of Mercui is Serera MastWader, however she is growing old and does not have the presence her father did. There is talk of replacing her soon.

Mercuian tend to put personal grudges aside in the pursuit of profit, however Rurbians tend to have to pay more. Most of Mercui profit comes from the sale or rental of ships that they make and of foodstuffs.


Hammerhead - Life is harsh, it's a life of fending off pirates, fixing leaks, protecting the floating fortress from the elements. Most people of hammerhead or warriors or clerics their is little time for the study of the arcane arts or little tolerance for those that live by stealing from others. People from hammerhead take a dim view of thieves and pirates. Hammerhead is divided in the 3 tiers, in order for a native to live on a higher tier and enjoy more protection from pirate raids/elements they have to fight a person from the higher tier in 1 on 1 combat that is overseen by a cleric of Caron.

The combat is usually not fatal and stops once one party or the other calls a halt or can no longer stand. During this combat only normal armor and weapons are used, magic of any kind is forbidden on penalty of death. Hammerhead choses its leader every 5 years in a grand melee (30 people all at once), combat is usually not fatal and its fought with normal weapons and armor. One of the greatest achievements for a person from Hammerhead is to win one of these coveted spots. 20 are given to those that win their way thru the lesser melee's held, 5 are given to any person of Hammerhead that can come up with a 50,000gp entrance fee. The last 5 are chosen at random from a pot that every adult in Hammerhead can submit their name for. If the person dies before the 5 years are up, another grand melee is held. The current leader is Father Drachorn. The next grand melee will be in ATF 55


Quarier - god of the sea - water aspect
Symbol - man riding 2 sharks
Alignment - good

Nidu - goddess of wind - air aspect
Symbol - Blue Triangle with gust of wind in middle
Alignment - good
Lemo - god of flames - fire aspect
Symbol - Iron Claw with a ball of flame in the palm
Alignment- evil

Tilicky - god of luck - luck aspect
Symbol - pair of six-sided dice
Alignment- neutral
Caron - god of war - war aspect
Symbol - Gleaming Battleaxe on top a skull
Alignment- netural
Braw - orc god - destruction aspect
Symbol - Hammer sticking out of a pile of ruble
Aligment - Evil

Peaceleaf - elven goddess - good aspect
Symbol - Pair of golden leafs
Alignment - Good

Stormbri - god of storms - weather aspect
Symbol - Bolt of Lighting
Aligment - Neutral

Kur the StarDestoryer - god of the void - chaos aspect
Symbol - Red eyes in a black field
Alignment - Evil

Gulfire - goddess of healing - healing aspect
Symbol - white cross on blue field
Alignment - good

Kanotes - god of death - death aspect
Symbol - black reaper
Aligment - evil

Sanotes (twin of Kanotes) - goddess of eternal sleep - repose aspect
Symbol - white reaper
Alignment - good

Evardale - elven god of plants - plant aspect
Symbol - Trees
Alignment - good

What Really Motivates Employees

What Really Motivates Employees

Business and Bad weather aka Winter Storm Nemo

As I watch the weather news streaming in from New England, I ponder how bad weather affects one business. It's more than just closed doors. Marketing campaigns could fail due to lack of notice, just ask Romney about Superstorm Sandy stealing the headlines. One's inventory supply chain could be disrupted, especially with most companies embracing lean inventory practices  Personally  in line with the self-sufficiency consulting that Crossed Sword does I rather loose a little money and have some supplies in reserve than none at all. Eventually your going to re-open and probably be busier than average for the next few days.

The other side of the coin is the clock never stops ticking, deadlines will come due if you are working or not. Once one knows that a major weather event or any disruption event is going to occur. I recommend contacting the clients, suppliers and anyone else you have time sensitive commitments to and work out alternative plans. IMHO This should be part of the standard operations of a company.

Lastly to every business in the affected area, good luck and safe journey during the next couple of days.


Start your Garden now! Not in March

One of the base elements of being Self sufficient is the ability to grow crops. suprising this is also the one item alot of the younger generations have not experienced and in the older generations, a talent they have forgotten as it has become easier to go to the store than to grow it.

Most people think about growing in March or April when in reality especially with outdoor growing one needs to start in January. Around the first of the year, one needs to take a good look at where they are planning on growing or have their garden from last year.

First thing is to break up and loosen the soil to allow air and water to enter the soil and start to enrich it. Also near the end of January is when one should start to add any fertilizer or soil altering materials (leaves, soda, worms etc.. etc..)

After this one should ensure to mix the soil a least once a week until planting. In February one should map out and purchase the seeds for their garden. If planting from seeds or spourts ensure that you have areas when enough sunlight or a greenhouse to start the plants. An important item is to look at the growing times of the crops one plans on producing to ensure that you have enough growing time and also to grow multiple crops if desired.

Lastly after the last frosts, in NC usually around first of March start bringing the seedlings outside to get them accustomed to the weather, a couple of hours every day slowly increasing the time until they are ready to plant. If a late frost occurs, cover the plants with straw, plastic or leaves.

Business Updates - 02/03/2013

Crossed Swords is coming along, most of the time right now is spend on heavy lifting, getting the site looking good, working on SEO (also teaching myself at the same time), working on getting my account with Elance, Odesk and fivver working and getting gigs.

Its not easy, one of the main cons of working from home is that everyone seems to think since you are home you are not working. So naturally everyone wants you to talk, do things or go on with them. The best way I know of getting around that is to tell everyone these are your working hours, if they call let it go to voicemail, if they come over tell them you are working and come back at a later time.

How to become a Entrepreneur