Media Development

Media Development is market vector that includes poetry, short stories, novels, character bios, world building, movie scripts and lyrics. Crossed Sword plans on pitching ideas and developing the ones that generate the most interest which will translate on better sales and better understanding of the current market trends.

A great example is look at all the media that aliens almost always look vaguely human and have human motivations and emotions. Very few aliens are well alien, logically they is no reason why an alien would be a plasma ball with a ball made of diamond that the alien uses to shift into what ever they need at the time that comes to earth because it feels that the diamonds on Earth are its dead kinsmen. After thousands of years of looking at all the diamonds are not its dead kinsmen, decides to leave Earth never to return. The whole time never once interacting with a single human or animal since it does not even realize they are alive.

Crossed Swords offers the following services:

Written word - Crossed Sword can put your thoughts in poetry, a short story, a novel or even a movie script or song lyrics. In addition Crossed Swords is active at producing its own content.

Role Playing and Board Games - Have a great Role Playing or Board idea but not sure how to proceed, We at Crossed Swords have over 20 years experience in creating, designing, play testing and marketing Games. In addition Crossed Swords is active at producing its own content.

Slogans, Catch-Phases, Quotes and Internet Memes - Stuck on an idea for that catchy phase for your product, want to create a meme or even a thought-provoking quote. Contact Crossed Swords and rest easy.

World Creation - Are you a novelist, comic or movie producer and need a world or you have a world and need some polish and details. Then sit back and relax while the expert world builders at Crossed Swords take over. In addition Crossed Swords is active at producing its own content.

Character generation - Need a rough cut thug for your latest TV series but can't quite get your mind around a good detailed description and look for that character. We can help you out by giving you a character description, back story, motivations  character flaws and even their favorite hobby. In addition Crossed Swords is active at producing its own content.

For more information please use our contact form -

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