
Types of Self Reliant Site Surveys

Types of Self Reliant Site Surveys
1. Basic - I survey the land, do research to figure out the amount of renewable resources of food, water and other resources (like wood) and water and add the stored water and food on the site to figure out how long with X amount of people survive on the site. This level is usually done by me alone.

2. Personnel - Skills inventory and honest assessment of the personnel that will be on the site during Grid Down Event to figure out how long will they be able to survive on the site, plus outline any potential personnel issues such as Person X may be at risk once the supply of cigarettes runs out. This level is more expensive since it requires more time since I often interview the person and try to observe them in normal life.

3. Defense - A survey of the site to determine fields of fire, force multipliers, defensive terrain features, shelter protections and other factors to determine how optimal the defenses are and how they can be improved if they are not optimal for the level of defense and evasion that a site owner is comfortable with. This level also may include weapons training assessment/K9 training assessment.

Alot of people are starting to ask for set prices instead of the hourly rate, I will be trying to get a good price point or at the very least a good base for each level. Also their has been requested for a lower level than basic. I am looking into that as well


Vb.Net Quick and Dirty Strong Password Checker

'1. Test each character in typed password
'2. Converter character into ASCII value and assign a score


Dim strtbpwd As String
Dim intpoints As Int16
Dim intasc2chr As Int16
btnchangepwd.Visible = False

strtbpwd = tbnewpwd.Text

If Len(strtbpwd) < 7 Then
intpoints = -10
End If
If Len(strtbpwd) >= 8 Then
intpoints = 2
End If
If Len(strtbpwd) >= 12 Then
intpoints = 3
End If

Do While Len(strtbpwd) > 0
intasc2chr = Asc(Left(strtbpwd, 1))
If intasc2chr > 32 And intasc2chr < 66 Then
intpoints = intpoints + 2
ElseIf intasc2chr > 64 And intasc2chr < 90 Then
intpoints = intpoints + 1
ElseIf intasc2chr > 122 Or intasc2chr < 31 Then
lblinfo.Text = "invalid character"
Exit Sub

End If

strtbpwd = Right(strtbpwd, Len(strtbpwd) - 1)

Select Case intpoints
Case Is <= 5
tossinfo("ERROR", "Bad Password; does not meet requirements. Try using numbers and symbols.")

Exit Sub
Case Is <= 6
tossinfo("INFO", "Acceptable Password - Re-type password into Confirm Password area and click Change Password.")
btnchangepwd.Visible = True
btnverifypwd.Visible = False
tbconfirmpwd.Visible = True
lblnewpwd.Visible = False

lblconfirm.Visible = True
Session.Add("svnewpass", tbnewpwd.Text)
tbnewpwd.Visible = False
Case Is <= 8
tossinfo("INFO", "Strong Password - Re-type password into Confirm Password area and click Change Password.")
btnchangepwd.Visible = True
btnverifypwd.Visible = False
tbconfirmpwd.Visible = True

lblnewpwd.Visible = False

lblconfirm.Visible = True
Session.Add("svnewpass", tbnewpwd.Text)
tbnewpwd.Visible = False
Case Is >= 10
tossinfo("INFO", "Very Strong Password - Re-type password into Confirm Password area and click Change Password.")
btnchangepwd.Visible = True
btnverifypwd.Visible = False

tbconfirmpwd.Visible = True
lblnewpwd.Visible = False

lblconfirm.Visible = True
Session.Add("svnewpass", tbnewpwd.Text)
tbnewpwd.Visible = False
End Select


Zero TV viewers aka rise of the Internet TV

Source - Homes without TV worry broadcasters - http://bit.ly/149lCPd

Its the age old question, you have a majority share in a market vector for years and along comes a disruptive technology that threatens a tried and true business model. What do you do?

First and sadly the one that most companies seem to use is try to use their muscle, connections or existing customer base to squash, sideline or buy out the disruptive technology.

Second and just as bad is companies ignore it and hope it goes away.

The right answer is to embrace the disruptive technology and find out what new revenue streams it opens up, and if one can't use it then find out how to keep up with the new technologies or evolve.

In this case Media Companies could do the following:

1. Charge a per channel rate and create a better viewing experience, how many cable and satellite viewers do you know talking about all the channels they pay for and how few they actually watch. If I do not speak Spanish do I really need to pay for 15 channels of Latino programming?

2. Stop showing commercials and create a revenue stream by featuring products and services int he show themselves. Of course it would be hard to feature a new Kia Soul during Game of Thrones would be kinda hard.

3. Use QR watermarks or the option buttons like view local weather with DirectTV for items and services the viewer would like to know more information and/or purchase.


Newsblips for 04/04/2013

LinkedIn Explains How Tech Buyers Use Social For Their Purchase Decisions - http://bit.ly/ZdjAf3

Twitter’s Most Obnoxious Tech Tweeters Revealed #Infographic -  http://bit.ly/10v7x9G

King Announces Two New Facebook Games: Papa Pear Saga And Farm Heroes Saga  - http://bit.ly/ZaChJs

Social Influencers: The Voices Of The Internet Movement  -  http://bit.ly/12jFWwa

The Rise of The Mini-Multinational -http://bit.ly/10BI77L

Startup DeadPool on TechCrunch - http://tcrn.ch/10znzhw

How Obamacare Impacts the Self-Employed and Small Business  - http://bit.ly/12lPJ0S

Truman Capote's Breakfast at Tiffany's Manuscript Up for Auction -http://bit.ly/16z8C2Y

What You Need to Know about the Home Office Tax Deduction  - http://bit.ly/16sxrLV

Predictive Analytics for Enlightenment Startup - http://bit.ly/12lRM59

Self Reliance Surveys - What it entails

I have had many clients ask me what exactly does a self-reliance survey entail. The answer is:

1. Crossed Swords employees that are working on the survey will sign a NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) that clearly states whatever the client tells them, shows them or gives them will remain secure from other sources at all times. All Crossed Swords employees have OPSEC training.

2. Once the deposit has been paid and paperwork completed. Crossed Sword employees will start initial research of the location. This includes population density, criminal, hydro-logical  wildlife, traffic and topological survey's of the location. Most of this will be done via public resources using TOR and anonymous proxies to cover the digital trail.

3. The research data will be used once the team is on site to verify the findings and to fine tune the surveys. Any noteworthy items will also be amended to the report.

4. Any person(s) that will be at the location during a grid down event will be interviewed for the report. This interview is to assess the person's ability and skill set as it pertains to being self-reliant.

5. Any additional research will be completed, weapons, K9, BOV's (Bug out Vehicles) that the client requests.

6. A report will be generated and presented to the client, Crossed Swords will carefully review the document with the client and answer all questions and concerns.