
Answer to some Groover Universe Questions

A person on asked me the folllowing

Ok, prime amongst the things I want to know is naming conventions, as I am quite horrible with names. Second, political structure, major empires such as these need strong social order. Third, interracial politics, are they all at war, are they all more or less allies, are they just willing to live together with mutual hate, what? Fourth, religion, I want to know a bit more about some of the minor gods, like how to base them, and what patroning's like, do some races lean towards one of the four Elder Gods, or is it all a mishmash? Fifth, humans you said use borrowed tech to get to the skies, meaning there had to be somebody who visited them first. Who, and why? Please answer what you can, or let me know if you're still working on these details, or if I was confusing or anything...


Here was my reply

1. Naming Conventions, I don't have any hard and fast rules other than I personally prefer names I can easily pronounce.

2. Political Structure I am working on getting that  posted to my blog as well as here (if enough interest is shown) The major groups in the universe is the Tribrust Alliance which is humans, elves and Renalesar which are basically the militarily might of the universe , The Freebooters which are a group of various races that try to get groups to talk their issues out and the University of Death aka UniDeath they aspire to make assassination and bounty hunter a fine art and not a half ass messy affair.

3. Who is at war, Who is allies, again I am working on that however for when the shared universe "begins" interstellar war is not occurring  however their are plenty of plots to wage war on the grand scale of space. In general interstellar war is a rare beast considering the cost of building and maintaining enough space vessels for a space war.

4. Minor gods are facets of a aspect, Example on Planet X the aspect of war may take from as the Goddess Grima the Dog faced Howler of battle, however on Planet Y the aspect of war may take the form of a wise old tactician Shew-Fee.. So a mortal can rise to take the mantle of a Aspect, when they do they assume all the forms that aspect takes. This allows new forms of the aspect to be created, killed or fade away.

The Greater and Elder aspects are a less hands on, they basically manage the lesser gawds and the forms are lessed varied example Firah the Greater God of fire is a ball of purple flame on both Planet X and Planet Y

As a whole, the pantheon on the various worlds are geared more toward way the majority of people believe. One a planet that the majority of the domaint race is warlike the pantheon will be heavy into the aspects of war, death, fire, iron and glory aspect forms for nature, peace or love may be muted or even non-existence

5. How X race got into space, since their are many ways into space their is no one way. On some planets the race may have found their way to the stars by trial and error, some planets there are naturely occurring items that allow space travel and on still others the keys into space may have been given or taken from another space faring races the major space faring technologies are:

Magic - Example using magic to create a air bubble around the ship and causing the ship to lift into space.. such as the Powered Krstyals that many races use that are charged by magic users.

Tech - Example is the heavy oil powered star cruisers of the Renalesar where heavy oil is pumped into huge initiation chambers and the resulting explosion is funneled to the vents to provide thrust and lift

Innate powers or space faring items.. Example Elfhim ships are growth not built. They start from when the tree is a seed, infusing the seed with magics and plant in soil mixed with the ashes of the Elfhim that have "Stepped On" (died). After the tree spouts it is bonded with a TaoTee or in the common tongue literally a tree talker.

The TaoTee is become soulbound to the tree, the tree will not accept another TaoTee and will eventually die. If the tree dies the same happens to the TaoTee. After many years (depends on the size and type of ship), the tree will free itself from the earth and take to the stars with the TaoTee. It also will grow into the flesh of the TaoTee and nourish them

A Elfhim ship pulls its energy from the life of the universe around it. Once starbound it growth slows unless it is damaged.


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